Healthcare SupervisionLydian CareHealthcare SupervisionStep 1 of 425%Office Details:Date Supervision Completed:* DD dash MM dash YYYY Lydian Representative Completing Supervision:*Nicola McCaughertyCaitlin O'TooleDean FosterFiona KaneSupervision Completed by:*TelephoneIn personZoom/Video CallOtherCarers Name:* First Last Carer Email Address:* They will receive a copy of the form.Supervision:Has there been any changes to your personal information?* Yes NoHas the carers email, address, criminal status etc.. changed since the last time you spoke?If yes please detail changes*1. Current role within Lydian Healthcare, hours worked, area you work in. Are you happy with this at present?*2. Site Issues/Significant Events/Concerns:*3.Team Work/Independent Working:*4.Views of the office*5. Are there any wards or sites you would like to try?*6. Any wards or sites you do not wish to work on and reason why:*7. Training Needs/Career Direction:*8. Any other worries or concerns?*9. The Pulse App - how do you find the app?*discuss if carer is not using the app or any help they may need.Do you have your NISCC Registration and paid up to date?* Yes NoIf No detail reason why and refer to HR ASAP*As this supervision has been completed remotely no signature is required.Carer Checklist* I have confirmed carer's training is up to date I have confirmed their NISCC status I have confirmed no change to personal detailsPlease select the Actions to confirm completed or leave blank if unable to complete.If you have been unable to confirm items in checklist please detail here.