One2OneLydian CareOffice One2OneForm Details:Date One2 Completed:* DD dash MM dash YYYY One 2 By Completed By:*Dean FosterNicola McCaughertyKirsty BurnsFiona KaneVia:*TelephoneIn personZoom/Video CallOtherEmployee Name:* First Last Employee Email Address:* They will receive a copy of the form.One2One:1. How are you finding your role over the last few weeks/months?*2. Do you feel like you are meeting targets/expectations within your role?*2b. Managers Summary of employee performance:*2c. Employee Summary of performance:*3.Do you feel you are being supported?*4.How do find working alongside your colleagues?*5. What’s on your mind right now that we haven’t talked about?*6. If you were managing the team, what would you do differently?*7. What’s a problem we have on our team that I might not know about?*8. Anything else you would like to discuss?*