Healthcare Appraisal Lydian Care Healthcare Appraisal Office DetailsDate Appraisal Completed:* DD dash MM dash YYYY Completing Appraisal:*Nicola McCaughertyCaitlin O'TooleFiona KaneDean FosterAppraisal Completed by:*TelephoneIn personZoom/Video CallOtherAbout the CarerCarers Name:* First Last Email* Carer will receive a copy of this appraisal to their email.How many years have you worked for Lydian Care?* How many hours on average do you work each week?* Do you get enough hours each week?* Yes No Would you say you are:* A Full Time Worker A Part Time Worker Casual If carer has said no to anything above detail here how addressedHave you completed all mandatory training as required this year?* Yes No Have you either registered or kept your NISCC registration up to date?* Yes No If carer has said no to anything above detail here how addressedItems brought forward and highlighted throughout the year:*Views of the staff Member:*Views of the line manager:*Training & Development:*Items Carried Forward:*Any other worries or concerns?*Action Plan for next year:*Do you have any suggestions for improvements or anything we can do differently?*As this appraisal has been completed remotely no signature is required by the care worker.